Sunday, December 13, 2009


My last hand I played at Dave's last night.

The pot was 5 ways all in on the flop, flop came down A75 with 2 hearts, here's what everyone had.

Father Joe : AQ
Host Dave :55
me: 77
Danny: not sure but i think he had some sort of draws or an Ace-rag
Karl Tsu: A9 of hearts for top pair, nut flush draw.

Basically everyone moved all in after a couple of raises, reraises.

Turn came the 10 of hearts and river bricked out. Karl MF Tsu took down a 500+ dollars pot. NH.

No wonder neither Dave or Me boated it up, because all the freaking cards that needed to pair the board were basically all out. I was drawing to basically 3 outs at the river( the 3 10's). But I did have the best hand going in on the flop. Dave, Danny, Father Joe were baically all drawing to 1 outer( Dave's quad 5's) to beat me. If only I could dodge the flush draw.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I totally got slaughtered at Dave's last night. Didn't make the tournament, then lost 300 dollars in cash game. SpecialK called all 3 of my bluffs, and twice I river 2 pair and someone also rivered the straight or flush. Another time I hit my bottom 2 pair and Father Joe had top set of kings. Re-raised with Jacks and ran into QQ. After down to my last 100, I went over to the 8 game's to try my luck. In the PLO round, the money went all in at the turn with me holding JJQ9 vs. Colin's 101073 on the board of J6510 rainbow. Of course the rive came '4' for the straight. I'm not much of Omaha player, but what's the equivalent of losing to a gutshot in Omaha comparing to holdem? I would imagine is like losing to a "1" outer at Hold'em at the river.

Friday, December 4, 2009

25/50 cents..

Stopped by Grayday's 25/50 cents game tonight, played like a total donkey. Raised every hand. Went all in with A5 vs. grayday's AK on A23 board. Went all in with flush draw vs. Timmy's AA, and lost. Was in for 200, down to like 25 at one point, slowly built it back up. Then thanks to a hand where this guy to the left of me, he said he has 46 dollars left and was going to go all in pre flop. So folded to me, I raised to 46 dollars pre flop in 25/50 cents game. I'm guessing that's a pretty bad play? I only raised it 92x BB pre flop. He said he only looked at one card and called me, I knew he had an ace, so I told him "you are ahead". of course flop came down KJ9. That got me back a little bit, then I over flushed someone with Q2 and won another decent size pot. cashed out 150, i'm happy I was only down 50 bucks with the way I was playing.

On a side note, I think Timmy has potentials to be a great poker player.